Sunday, June 29, 2008

Crazy Food Experiments

I love savory food. Sweets don't do it for me, unless it's to try something I haven't tried. Actually, trying something I haven't tried does do it for me very much -- I'm always up for a food adventure and usually up for an adventure of any sort. I left my laundry in the washer at the laundry mat this evening and walked across the street to the grocery store. There, I found a bag of Dorritos called "The Quest," with a subtitle that "Guess the flavor is just the beginning." I ate a chip and recalled the flavor from a time in my youth, but could not put my finger on it. It bothered me so much that I had to google it. The chip was darn near the most bizarre flavor one could imagine -- Mountain Dew Flavored Dorritos!!! AND, they're actually pretty good -- not great, but far from bad. Who'd have thunk it?

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